Behind the lens...

With everything you have to do, thanks for taking the time to visit my site. I can’t wait to meet you. Until then, here’s a little about me…….

I grew up in Ontario in the small town of Shelburne. In my twenties I moved to London Ontario where I met my amazing husband. We’ve been married for 20 years and have two beautiful daughters. In August 2020 in search of a family adventure we packed up everything we could fit into a 7’x14’ trailer and traveled across this beautiful country. We made our home in the Okanagan Valley for the past 3 years. We are now back with our close friends and family living in St. Thomas Ontario.

My family has always been the inspiration behind my photography. I love to capture the expressions and individual personalities of my girls and our moments as a family (Including our fur baby Cooper).

Getting to spend my time with other amazing families and couples is the best part of my job. When I am behind the camera I want to capture moments of genuine expression and emotion.  That glance between a couple. The belly laugh of siblings. The unconditional love between a parent and child.  

When love, beautiful light and a simple setting come together in a portrait, that precious moment in time can be cherished forever. These are the images that tell our story. I would be honoured to capture the images that tell yours.

Please have a look through my galleries and send me a message on my contact page.  I would love to meet you and hear your story.
